Our Story
SailCompanion was launched in 2024 by three tech professionals with a shared passion for competitive sailing. Drawing on years of experience racing in regattas across Ireland and abroad, Ekrem, Saygin, and Bartu recognized the need for a data-driven approach to post-race analytics and performance improvement.
Initially, the project focused on providing race tracking and performance analytics tailored to the needs of individual sailors. Today, SailCompanion is revolutionizing how sailing races are tracked, watched and analyzed, enabling sailing clubs and federations to increase audiences, double their sponsorship revenues and improve race safety. We also serve as a technology partner for various businesses in the sailing industry.
Our ultimate vision is to make sailing more accessible, fun and make us all better sailors!
About Us
SailCompanion LTD is an Irish company, backed by Enterprise Ireland and New Frontiers program.
Unit 4, 84 Strand Street